FDR High Class of 1969 reunion plans ready

The 45th reunion of FDR High’s Class of 1969 will be a three-day event, kicking off with a mixer Friday, Oct. 10 from 8-11:30pm at The Dinsmore, 199 Old Post Rd. in Staatsburg. Food and drinks will be sold, and music provided by the band Outside the Box.

On Sat., Oct. 11, activities will include a walk across the Walkway over the Hudson in Poughkeepsie and a tour of Val-Kill cottage by Al Vinck. The main event is at Dutchess Golf Club, 2628 South Rd., in Poughkeepsie, from 7pm to midnight. Hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar will be available, followed by dinner and dancing, with music by The Harvest Band.

On Sun., Oct. 12, a brunch at Shadows on the Hudson, 176 Rinaldi Blvd. in Poughkeepsie, will be another chance for conversation and fond farewells.

The cost for the weekend, not including brunch, is $69 per person. For registration information, email Marita Rakow at maritarakow@netscape.net or sign up on the class Facebook page. Contact the reunion committee with any questions at fdrhs69@gmail.com, or call Tom Gleason at 845-773-9345 or Joe Schrotz at 845-233-5056.

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